Saturday, October 18, 2008

And we're off..........

Izumi (city), Osaka (prefecture i.e.''state"), Japan. Our destination, well, technically the Ibukino 3-Chome neighborhood, and our visit to see Shan in Japan. That is, Shan Reed, Shonda's sister, a North American Baptist church planter serving there. Komyo (meaning bright, shining light) Church is the new church plant, now meeting in the home of the Ewing family - also close friends, well pretty much family, of ours - more on that later.....

Our trip actually began last Spring, when we found that Mom & Dad Reed had decided they wanted to give us a trip to Japan this Fall. Since we had alllllll...... that time to plan, we actually did get a one hour nap before leaving to board the plane in Sioux Falls! How Mobley-esque, right? Actually, we did get everything done before heading West into tomorrow, leaving the three kitty cats in the caring Kurban clan hands. Amazingly, we still had a garden and flowers to leave behind to Jack Frost - who would have thought we'd have tomatoes and peppers past the middle of October?

We left Sioux Falls at o'Dark:30, hopped to Denver, connected to San Fransisco, boarded a brand spankin' new Boeing 777 and settled in for eleven hours of cozy bliss. (Cozy being the key word). You'd think we'd be able to sleep, but...... cozy. The new 777s have personal video monitors, which allowed us to track our progress across fourteen time zones, AND watch a total of four movies 'of our choice'. Whew, got our movie quota out of the way for this decade. Actually the flight was great, just really long, and we arrived synchronously with our luggage - always a plus!

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