Thursday, October 7, 2010

We're still here!

Wow, it has been a year and a half (or more) since we last posted. For those of you who still hope that we find our blog again...we have!

Life never is dull in the Mobley house! We have been dealing with Paul's Crohn's coming back, Shonda starting to work part time at our church, and all the other crazy things life has thrown at us! I won't go into great detail right now but hopefully over the course of the next few posts, I will be able to give you all a better idea of what's up in our world.

Tonight, I just want to say how incredibly amazing the God that we serve is. He has blessed us and provided for us and keeps on lovin' on us through all of this. Harvest is a time of thankfulness so I am just going to say thank you to our dear Lord and Savior. The trials You have given us have drawn us closer to each other and to You. You are the Great Physician and we thank you for the physicians You have sent to us. Thank you for the ways You have worked in this process to surprise us, to limit us and to always uphold us. We cannot do this without You! Thank you also for the friends and family You have given us. The support and the love they provide is priceless. You have loved us through them and now we ask that You bless them in return!